Thursday, January 1, 2009


A new year is here and I thought it would be a good time to revamp this blog as well as myself. Since the century, I haven't been cycling nearly as much as I would like. Some of that was due to a short recovery time, a bout with sickness and sheer laziness. I've been on a couple short rides and one 25 miler but that's it. My butt and waist are showing it too.

I'm joining a girls riding group that my TNT coach is organizing. We'll be going out once a month for a 30-40 mile ride so I really need to get back to weekly riding and more.

In addition, I'm re-focusing on my health and starting to eat better and exercise more. I need to. We won't discuss how much weight I've gained back since starting my new desk job in April 2007. Even training for a marathon and then a century didn't help.

So follow along as I revamp my health and exercise routine. Today I intend to pull out my trainer and get at least 30 minutes in (something about buckets of rain and wind gusts of 30-45 mph is keeping me from heading out doors).


Lindarx said...

YAY!!! I am so glad to see you posting again!

And riding again!

You rock!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Michele,

Good for you for refocusing. I'll be watching your revamp for inspiration. (I'm enjoying working out with a personal trainer, but it's still early days.)